- Fragmented Pleasure – Aneta Grzeszykowska: HolesThe aesthetic ideal of the complete, finished form has dominated the visual representation of the female body for centuries. The tradition of the female nude has emphasized the exterior of the female body while covering up “the terrifying secret that is hidden within the idealized exterior.”[1] „A fragmented representation of female body parts reveals this rejected
- I See You – Alicja Żebrowska: The Mystery is LookingIn a time when body dysmorphic disorder fuelled by online pornography, strict Western fashion trends, and specific perceptions of beauty motivate more and more (completely healthy) young women to undergo female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS)[1] Alicja Żebrowska’s 1995 film The Mystery is Looking truly deserves to be called must see. In less than two minutes Żebrowska’s witty piece addresses
- Gamechanger – Dóra Maurer: Kalah“If I am unexpectedly questioned: “what is experimental film?”– my first reaction is defense. I take the question as provocationand cannot think of anything. Because, for lack of a better term,what they call experimental filmmaking is for me the most naturalway of filmmaking, filmmaking itself – in a mainly ignorant,limited and offensive environment.”/Dóra Maurer/ [1] In
- Diversity Versus Modesty – The Czech Contemporary Experimental Film Scene (Part Two)Preserving the Film’s Body – Analogue Practices For decades film studies, therefore experimental film studies as well have been dealing with an object that no longer exists; it ceased existing as an object of study in the 1970’s when cinema as “the projection of photographically recorded filmstrip in a theatrical setting”[1] was replaced by various other
- Diversity Versus Modesty – The Czech Contemporary Experimental Film Scene (Part One)In his 2013 book The Subterranean River of Cinema (Ponorná řeka kinematografie) Martin Čihák experiments with an approach quite unique in Eastern and Central European avant-garde film historiography. He brings Western and Eastern avant-garde traditions into a common framework. Following in the footsteps of P. Adams Sitney, a leading film theorist of the American avant-garde,
- Interaction – Alexandra Moralesová: Shuttered CutAccording to a few sinister newspaper headlines film has been dead for almost sixty years. Yet the debate on the encroachment of the digital video medium into the terrain of celluloid based cinema continues. Even if digital imaging has conquered the industry with its convenience and cost-effective nature, a few influential filmmakers are still committed